In the debate on the origins of the universe, two major camps squabble it out. The scientific and the creationist community. What people fail to understand about the reliability of the book of Genesis in relation to scientific and religious views is that both camps championing the demise of the other have failed to realize an important principle in reading the ancient book. That principle is the principle of contextualization. To be more precise, it is the principle that we must understand the book was written for a specific group of people in ancient times. It was meant to be read and heard by a specific group of ancient community in which the book was recorded. It was not written for scientific reasons or views of reality where reality is seen as nothing more than naturally occurring matter. For this reason, scientifically or wanting to be perceived as scientifically minded people judge the book of Genesis as unreliable or nonsensical. The religious proponents use the same natural view of reality as matter to read into the book and force others to submit to the demands that reality in material sense must be seen in terms of how it was described in the book. Both views are wrong. Imagine how the ancient community would have understood a scientific explanation on the origins of the universe and human kind based on our current popular views of big bang and evolution. Imagine how they would understand these scientific models. It would make no sense to the audience of the ancient text. Thus, when God inspired the writing of the book, it was meant for the level of comprehension based on the audience of that particular ancient context. It was never meant to be read according to our contemporary view of reality which is dominated by scientific perspective. It was never meant to be understood in the literal sense where reality is merely described as observable matter alone. Both camps using this viewpoint has done harm to the understanding of book and subsequently drawn a wrong conclusion that the book of Genesis is unreliable because the reality that it described is not the same as what we know now through our scientific knowledge. It was never meant to be understood as such in the first place!
Have a blessed day!
In Christ,
This layer of meaning has to be understood first to avoid projecting our own cultural values into it. Also to avoid using our own projected meanings as if it was from God. ;-)
_ Despre TRANSFIGURARE, ...adica, ...despre *Schimbarea la Fata* _ Matei 17/[1],2,3,[5].
= Va rog sa presupuneti ca mesajele transmise, sunt adresate "impersonal", pentru a exclude posibilele interpretari ofensatoare, ...[totusi], ...retinand aspectul ca sunt in conformitate cu prorociile din Scripturi / Biblie, ...adica, nu sunt excluse criticile
asupra "vizatilor / implicatilor" _ Apocalipsa 3/19.
= Pentru ca Scripturile au fost si ...*inca sint pecetluite* _ Daniel 12/4,9; _ Isaia 6/[8],9,10, ..."tainuite" _ Coloseni 1/26; _ Apocalipsa 10/7, ...*pana in ziua de Astazi* _ Romania 11/8, ... cei care s-au facut, [de mii de ani], “ei intre ei”:...pastori, preoti si invatatori de seama, in teologii, felurite Religii si felurite Biserici _ Mat.23/7-10, ..."conducatori si povatuitori"_ Isaia 9/16, ..."desradacinati"_ Iuda 12, ..."amagitori"_ Romania 16/18, ..."inselatori" _ 2 Petru 2/2,3; _ Ioan 15/22,[23-26], ...{cine citeste sa inteleaga _ 1 Corinteni 14/21}, ...[iata], ...NU AU INTELES: ... _ Matei 17/2,3,[-5]; _ Marcu 9/2-4; _ Luca 9/29,30; _ Deut.18/15,18; _ Faptele Ap.3/22; _ Marcu 9/7; _ Luca 9/35; _ Romania 5/14; 10/14; _ Ioan 14/22, ...[si],...tot asa ...NU AU INTELES: ... _ *De ce?*, ...[ sau ]...**Pentru ce se impotrivea diavolului si se certa cu el, Arhanghelul MIHAIL** _ Daniel 12/1; _ Matei 27/58; _ Iuda 9, ...{ adica, pentru Trupul Meu },...tot asa, ... nu au inteles, cum, si de ce este scris _ Romania 5/14; 10/14 -Moise; _ Isaia 52/6 –Moise -*Eu vorbesc si zic: -Iata-Ma !*; _ Exodul 3/14; 4/1,[10],11,2012.
= Cei care ati inceput ..."sa vedeti",[sau] "sa auziti" _ Matei 11/5; ... *[?!] - intelegeti / pricepeti* _ Isaia 6/[8],9,10 , ...calauziti si pe aproapele, tot norodul, {_ Mat.4/16; 15/8,9; _ Luca 13/17; _ Ioan 7/12}, ...pana la marginile lumii _ Romania 10/[17],18, ...”Toate popoarele chemate” _ Isaia 55/1,6-9,[10],11,2012; _ Ioan 7/37.
=Cu stima. -Mesia _ Romania 5/14; 10/[14],17,{18}; _ Ioan 4/[25],26; 10/8,11,2012,14,[16]; _ Isaia 6/[8],9,10-[13]; 21/11,2012; -*Toate popoarele chemate* _ Isaia 55/1,6-9,[10],11,2012; _ Exodul 3/14; 4/1,[10],11,2012.