Lee Strobel - The Case for Christ DVD-ROM

I just bought and finished watching the DVD which last for about 80 minutes. Initially, I was really afraid that this was an old video since the book was published more than 1o years ago. A preview and a check on the back cover assuaged my fears. It was produced 2 years ago and the quality of the wide-screen production was good. It was costly (RM79.90), but I thought it would be a good investment for bible study and an unobtrusive way in introducing Christ Jesus to friends in the comfort of our living room.
As a matter of fact, the DVD contains a lot of scholars whom I really like e.g. Craig Evans, N.T. Wright, Ben Witherington III,Craig Bloomberg, William Lane Craig, J. P. Moreland, etc. Of course, due to its purpose, proponents of an alternative view or views such as Marcus Borg, Dominic Crossan, Jonathan Reed, Elain Pagels and others do not appear in this DVD. This can be contrasted with the Jesus Revealed documentary produced by National Geographic that was aired on Astro during the Easter period. The difference in the scholarly line up is clearly evident.


SATheologies said…
Thanks for the note, Israel. Sounds like it's a good resource. I saw this at a local bookshop but didn't get it cos i tot it will be like what u said, an old production.
Yik Sheng said…
Yes, that was my fear too. But it was unfounded. I hope that I could start a bible study with it soon because it is good, I think, for most Christians due to the lack of exposure to such inquiries.

I am now thinking of the second DVD I saw at Canaanland, the Case for the Creator. I read some of the participant guide notes and it has removed my fears that it will be a creationist type of production. ;-)
Dave said…
Strobel has this 'Faith Under Fire' video series which feature in debate format these scholars lined with non-Christian ones...
Yik Sheng said…
Hi hedonese, that is interesting. At least no one can accuse Strobel of being overly bias.

By the way, have you heard of The Christ Files DVD?
SATheologies said…
Hi Israel,

Yes, I have heard of The Christ File. I asked a fren to bring a copy back for me from Australia.

Nice but can be kind of boring because it features the host journeying around museum and universities interviewing scholars.

And there is even a mistake on it's subtitle when the video introduce James Charlesworth. The introductory text mentioned that the is from "Princeton University", but he is from "Princeton Theological Seminary" instead.
Yik Sheng said…
hi Sze Zeng. Do you still have it? Is it possible for you to turn it into a DivX file and send it to me? I am still trying to buy it but so far without any success. :-(
Yik Sheng said…
hi Sze Zeng, don't get me wrong. i will definitely buy the DVD when I find it. ;-)