Signs of times?

It both sadden and appalls me to see the following being advertised on a Facebook page.

I was called to apostleship in 1996, when it was not popular. He travels extensively and is called "The great prince", of the Apostolic Movement. Apostle [...] operates heavily in healing, deliverance and the prophetic ministry. Apostle [...] is a book author, psalmist and songwriter. Many signs and wonders follow in services such as the lame walking, the opening of blinded eyes and deaf ears. There are many other manifestations such as oil that supernaturally appears and then pours from his hands.

Apostle [...] is the founder of W.A.R. World Apostolic Regime. Global fellowship and the church called the Dwelling Place Tabernacle and K.A.P.S. Kingdom Apostolic Prophetic School. Apostle [...] is currently working on a doctorate degree in Ministry.


Do you need more than just a prophecy, do you need specific insight or direction for one or more specific areas? W.A.R. Ministries offer Prophetic consultations one on one for just a $50 SEED.

As you sow to us you assist us in spreading the Gospel in not only this country but many other nations as well. Please call (405)[...] for availability. There are ministry partners standing by.


This is why the name of Christ is blasphemed daily by those who do not know Jesus. Yes, we see Paul introducing himself as an apostle appointed by God in his letters to the first century churches, but the kind of humility in Paul and the great length he took in not promoting himself are somehow missing from these self-appointed apostles and prophets. Only when the faith and spiritual well-being of his young Gentile churches which he planted were in danger by the teachings of false brethren trying to lure them away for their own gain, did he state his claim and testimony as an apostle, and even that, was solely done for the sake of his spiritual sons and daughters. He went to great length not to burden his young churches from supporting his ministry. Only when he saw a dire need to bring together the churches in Jerusalem and the rest of the Gentile world, did he start to collect the offering meant for the elevation of suffering of the Jewish brethren in Jerusalem and Palestine.

The proliferation of self-appointed apostles and prophets who works in a similar fashion as a normal consultant would do, marketing their credentials, and if you have a need, pay the 'spiritual' consultation fees, is turning the ministry of Christ to a marketing scheme. This is exactly the reason why Jesus overturned the money changers, saying that the sanctity of the temple had become a den of thieves. Is this the sign of times mentioned by the Lord concerning the arrival of false christs, apostles and prophets? He who has ears let them hear indeed.
