Inherent weaknesses of Charismatic movement

I write this not because I want to denounce the movement entirely, only the parts that I deem as detrimental to the faith of believers. I still consider myself as being in the movement and the movement contains a lot of potential, but could not fulfill its God-given destiny due to some who have hijacked the movement and turned it into something far from what God has intended it to be.

Here is the list of weaknesses which I have observed and personally experienced.
  1. Dictatorial leaders justifying their actions on the self-proclaimed grounds that they alone could hear clearly enough from God.
  2. Lack of biblical knowledge amongst members of the movement, allowing themselves to be led solely by the interpretations of their leaders.
  3. Involvement in mega building projects and project such success as a sign and symbol of God's approval.
  4. Mishandling of public funds obtained from members and outsiders which are usually meant for the mega building projects.
  5. Dictatorial leaders being surrounded by groups of 'yes-men' who sincerely think that their leaders are hearing from God and to disobey them is to disobey God himself.
  6. Equating material success as a sign of God's approval.
  7. Equating spiritual conquest and signs and wonders as the sole sign of God's approval or working in the lives of believers.
  8. A perception of exclusivity in the form of spiritual vision where members of charismatic churches are told that they are chosen specially by God and they on the verge of experiencing something special from God which outsiders will not be able experience even though they are fellow believers.
  9. An authoritarian church structure from the top to the bottom where members of the lower hierarchy are expected or compelled to obey those who are above them.
  10. The leaders are unrepentant over mistakes that they have made in the past.
I have listed ten. I am sure there are more. But my aim is to ask members of the charismatic movement to look carefully at the points above and be wary when they observe it to be true in describing the churches that they are currently in. However, these weaknesses may be equally applicable in warning us of our pride and wrongs regardless of which denomination we may belong to.
