Acts of the Apostles is an exciting book. It is full of action and drama. It reads like a story from a fantasy movie. In fact, the beginning of Acts might have looked and sounded like this. [show movie clip] Exciting isn't it.
Acts is full of signs and wonders. [examples] It is similar to the gospels. In fact, the book of Acts is actually Luke Chapter 2. It was written for the same person and by the same author.
Acts records what the apostles did after Jesus' ascension. Some have said Acts should be titled Acts of the Holy Spirit because of the miracles. Indeed, the story of Pentecost and the power of the Holy Spirit are most often preached when there are sermons on Acts.
Sometimes, we wish we are as faithful and powerful as the apostles. Able to heal the sick, cast out demons and preach the gospel powerfully where thousands are saved. But, we are also encouraged by their sacrifices and weaknesses. It is encouraging to read how God chooses to work through their limitations. It is indeed exciting times.
What is the source their strength and power? Of course, it is the Spirit, some of us will say. It is so obvious with the signs and wonders. But is it really just the Holy Spirit alone? Or is there something else? Any answers? [prayer, fellowship, fasting, faith, obedience, etc.]
Let's take a closer look at the lives of the apostles and the Scriptures. Let's rewind the story 50 days back. The apostles were scared and in denial after Jesus' death. They were scattered. Not knowing what to do. They did not understand why there was an empty tomb. They did not have faith when they heard stories about Jesus' resurrection. Jesus scolded them for their unbelief. This was 50 days ago. What changed the apostles?
The resurrected Lord, obviously! Pentecost and the power of the Holy Spirit, of course! But is there another element. Let's take a look at what Peter did after Jesus' ascension. Remember, Peter was a total wreck when Jesus died. Now, a different Peter stood up to take a leadership role. Peter, based on the scriptures, reassigned another disciple to take the place of Judas. Suddenly he has the wisdom and vision of a CEO! What changed him?
Peter on the day of Pentecost, again based on scriptures, preached about the meaning of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to the devout Jews gathered from all over the world. From a cowardly person who denied Jesus not so long ago, he dared now to say that he was a witness of Jesus’ resurrection even though he knew he could end up like his Lord. The sermon he preached was so, in modern sense, doctrinal. Yet, thousands believed and were saved. How did Peter get his understanding and his courage?
At the temple compound, Peter and John perform a miracle and again Peter stood up courageously to tell the crowd what was happening. Again, Peter’s speech to the people was so ‘theological’. And even when threaten by the religious authorities, they still continued to witness for Jesus’ resurrection. They continued even when they were suffered punishment and were thrown into the prison. What power transformed them in mere 50 days!
There is a Chinese saying, “Kingdoms can rise and fall easily, but the character of a man can never be changed.”
There are some clues to be found in Acts that hint to the apostles’ change of character. I have already shown you some of them. It’s found in the speeches of Peter quoted earlier. How could Peter preach such ‘doctrinal’ sermons when he was a mere fisherman? How could his understanding of the Scriptures changed in 50 days for him to preach so convincingly? How could a scared fisherman be teaching daily to the masses and influence them greatly? The answer to these questions is also found in the book of Acts.
The enemies of the apostles spotted the reason for their ability to teach and preach. They had been with Jesus. The presence of our resurrected Lord Jesus Christ changed the apostles from being cowardly men to heroes of the faith. In fact, this is the strongest evidence for the resurrection of our Lord, but I will leave that to another sermon.
But what did Jesus do after the resurrection to enable the apostles to teach and preach so powerfully? Before Jesus’ death and resurrection, Peter’s understanding of God’s purpose was so poor that he tried to stop the Lord from going to the cross. Jesus rebuked him sternly. What changed that?
The answer again is found in the book of Acts. In fact, in the first few verses which are normally not given much attention to. Jesus taught them about the kingdom of God. He changed their understanding of the kingdom and gave them a true sense of God' plan and purpose. In other words, he taught them the Scriptures. He taught them doctrines. He gave them theology. Here is another verse from Luke that confirms this.
Jesus’ opening of their minds to understand the Scriptures is the powerful answer to the question “What changed the apostles?” Without such understanding, the apostles would not be able to teach and preached as they did. Peter would not understand the event of the Pentecost. The thousands would not be saved. Without understanding of the Scriptures, the apostles would not be able to teach the new disciples. Without the proper preaching of the Scriptures, God would not have confirmed with signs and wonders.
Without the new disciples being taught, we would not have Stephen’s great sermon to his enemies. Without Stephen’s witness, Paul would not have converted. Without Paul, the gospel would not be preached to the Gentiles. And if the Gentiles did not receive the gospel, then we would not have our salvation today. We would not have the New Testament if the Lord Jesus Christ did not teach the Scriptures to the apostles. Everything and every event are linked. And it is linked to the Jesus’ opening of the apostles’ minds to the Scriptures.
What is the conclusion?
Often, we turn away from a proper study of the Bible. Often, we are considered doctrines as impractical, too theoretical, not applicable, or worse still a waste of time. But this is not how Paul tells Timothy. This is not the case when Jesus’ open the apostles’ minds to the Scriptures. If we want to be changed, if we want to be effective for the Lord, we do not just need the power of the Holy Spirit, we must first be trained in the understanding of the Scriptures. So that when God releases His power, we will be able to understand it and preach about it effectively to bring many people to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore, I urge you brothers and sisters. Give ourselves to the study of the Scriptures while we still can before this privilege is taken away from us. More importantly, if we want to see true outpouring of God’s Spirit and revival, prepare ourselves with the understanding of the Scriptures so that we can contain the power of the Spirit and be used mightily by our Lord.
Thank you.
Source Of Power 15 Nov 2009
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