Language of Paul

Recently, I have been thinking a lot about how different it is between the terms we used to describe our faith and the terms used in the bible, in particular in the Pauline letters.

For example, we often ask the question whether one has believed or received Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. We would use patterns of languages or repertoires like whether we have received Jesus into our hearts, whether we have prayed the sinner's prayer or have you accepted the Lord Jesus Christ etc. Not often we ask ourselves whether such language use reflect the actual processes that took place if a person was to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ in the first century. To be precise, is our language use to represent the process of believing in the Lord Jesus Christ scriptural? Do our language use reflect accurately how the scriptures say we are to believe in Him? What are the consequences if we inaccurately or distort the actual process by the careless use of our language in describing this important act of faith?

These are the types of questions I hope to ask more of myself and provide answers which I hope would be scriptural.
