For a long time, I have been contemplating whether Christians should overcome the principalities and the powers of this world through the political, and economical structure and means which have been set up to rule and govern the earth and its inhabitants. Many Christians will feel that they have been dealt unfairly by these political and economical institutions in matters concerning our faith. We ask questions like why are we not getting the help we need from our governments, especially the democratically elected ones. Some would participate in and use the current setup and the means available and afforded through these setups to seek justice, and claim the rights regarding our beliefs, which we think should be duly given to us because we are citizens of the system. But, the more I contemplated, (though I know Paul made use of the system), the more I feel that the way of cross is the only power to break the ruling principalities and powers. No greater power is seen except in the sacrifice of a man for the sake of another. Stories of Christian martyrs, missionaries and persecuted brethren in dictatorial countries affect our hearts and change our minds, and spur our spirits more than any political movement and struggle. The willingness to suffer in silent for the right cause, not seeking any deliverance from the ruling powers, and the conquering love to forgive our enemies and withhold judgment and vengeance break even the strongest of opponents and adversaries, heaping coals of fire on their conscience and written down in history as victories from above which continue to affect our lives and faith, and inspire those who are lost to ponder and wonder what kind of marvelous love is this, but the grace of God in Christ Jesus, and in the end, giving Him full glory and praise. Amen.