E. P. Sanders

For the last few days, I came across a couple of writers giving acknowledgement to Sanders because they had studied under him. Today, when I went to Canaanland to check out their latest shipment of books, I met the owner, Francis, and he graciously brought me up to the storage floor when many still unpacked boxes of books were stacked. He told me that the Eerdmans boxes were still wrapped up. I was duly disappointed because I was looking forward to getting Dunn's Beginnig from Jerusalem while the Easter Sales was still on. Then he showed me some Fortress books lying on the floor. Guess whose book was piled up there. Sander's Paul and Palestinian Judaism. So I told Francis the significance of this book (I think there were only three copies) and why I was buying it. He told me that I could buy it as long as there was a price label. I quickly grabbed a copy with the best condition. ;-)

P.S The price is around RM79.90 after discount. Bauckham's new title on Jesus and the God of Israel is also available, but I did not buy because of the price and I have already owned God Crucified.


Steven Sim said…
That's a good price for EP Sander. I saw one in borders for about 100rm.